Our Story

We are taking a leap of faith and officially beginning to step into building the ministry that God has been growing our hearts towards over the past 14 years. Hospitality is a major part of how God has used our family. We delight in opening our home to others! We have found over the years that the biggest growth, healing, heart changes, and restoration come from more than the occasional open door but through living daily life together. Life-changing discipleship happens in the daily rubbing of shoulders as we sit down to a meal together, pray together, and help carry the weight of each others’ burdens.Over the past 14 years, we have been able to utilize the extra rooms we have been blessed with to house 13 different people who were in need of a place to stay. Some were for a week and some for a few years. Just as we have seen the Lord change, grow, and heal others during their time with us, we have been impacted in the same way.

As our roommates and “adopted” family have grown, our hearts for building Cherith Oasis have grown as well. However, our space and time have not. A door has been opened by a friend whose house we have been helping renovate the past 8 months. Moving into this house is not only going to give us the opportunity to continue in communal living, but it will allow us to step out of the position that we are in and into a season of more time to develop and grow the ministry of Cherith Oasis. As we are stepping out in faith towards this God-sized dream, it's not with fear but with the realization that it's far bigger than what we can accomplish on our own. We want to ask you to prayerfully consider what part you can play in making Cherith Oasis reality.

*For past updates please scroll to bottom of page.

February 2022          Bittersweet Week for this crew right here

October 24, 2020 Joshua officiating and Bekah bridesmading for some of our dear friends.

October 24, 2020 Joshua officiating and Bekah bridesmading 😉 for some of our dear friends.

What started as friendship more than 5+ years ago quickly became more like grafted family. This week we transition from under one roof to two and while our hearts ache a little we are reminded that this is what Cherith Oasis is all about: Life on life for a season, however long that needs to be, then we continue to go forth and make disciples. So Jennie and Bekah head out on Saturday to establish their own place where they can then foster children who are in need of a Christ filled, loving, nurturing environment. We know they would cherish your prayers as they start this new journey!!

 Then we begin an odd for us season, roommateless 😳 while the Lord has us in this home, so that we can focus our efforts and energy on establishing the ground work for Cherith Oasis (read: book work, bylaws, support raising, etc. 😬).

Just wanted to take a minute to try to sum up what Bekah and Jennie have meant/mean to us without getting the tears flowing: They have sharpened us, adventured with us (took us on way more adventures than we would have done without them), challenged us (in great growth inspiring ways), shed blood, sweat, and tears with us, experienced the birth of one of our babies, helped our children complete many a math problems, cooked plenty of delicious meals for us, and we could go on and on. But we'll sum it up with this: They have loved us in such an unconditional, sacrificial way through the highs and lows that wouldn't make any since outside of the love of Christ and for that we are eternally grateful! Bekah and Jennie, we know Him more because you guys are in our lives.

Prayer Request we have going into this new season:

~That this would be a great time of growth for our family!

~The Lord would continue to provide opportunities to get to know our neighbors and that we could be Jesus to them. 

~Wisdom as we establish a board, by laws, etc.

~That we would reach $3,000 monthly support in the next 2 months, we are currently around $700. (we are so thankful and encouraged by those of you who have already joined us and those of you who have agreed to pray about joining us!!)

~Continued growth for our Roan Soap Co business to help with finances

January 18th, 2020    Joshua and Bekah baptize Jennie in the Doe River and our kiddos are thrilled to welcome her as our sister in Christ!

January 2022            Exciting Updates + Some Big changes!!!

We now have a way that you can EASILY donate to Cherith Oasis each month!! 

Before the generosity and help of our friend Vince we did not have an established way of being a monthly supporter, we are so so grateful for those of you who figured out ways on your end to make it happen!!! But now you can simply click the donate button at the top of the page and set up monthly, automatic donations. It is also thanks to Vince that we have this lovely website where you can not only make donations but get updates as well.

Building a 501c3!

The process continues, we are working our way through all of the requirements to get our 501c3 completed. We are currently on the step of creating our Board of Directors, prayers are greatly appreciated that the Lord will guide and direct us to who He has intended to be a part of that board!

Both of these steps mean that we are also now working on raising our monthly support for the start up year of Cherith Oasis. After number crunching, budget setting, etc (all the fun things 😜) we now know we need to raise $3,000 a month. 

Would you prayerfully consider being a monthly supporter of ours?

Now on to the Big Changes:

One of our roommates has wanted to pursue fostering for some time now and has felt prompted that now is the time. In order to do so she needs to establish her own place so she and our other roommate, who will be going with her to help on that journey, will be moving out in February. This will be another very new season for us. 

Stay tuned for updates as things unfold and for neat ways the Lord provides. 

We wanted to add in our post from our gofundme Page here to keep all of our updates in one place so if you missed our few updates this summer you can check them out below.

May 12, 2021 House flooding leads to space for a new roommate
Mini recap from last post (If you didnt see the last one we encourage you to read it for more details ) So we left off at the part of our story where our basement flooded but prepared us to open up a little bit more space for a new roommate!!

House flooded on Sunday clearing out began then and continued into Tuesday. Wednesday we heard about a fella who one of our friends knew, who was going to be without a place to live that Friday! Our 2 roommates just so happened to go to the same gym as him! Thursday he came over for dinner so we could get to know him, tell him more about Cherith Oasis, and see if he'd be a good fit. Friday he was sleeping on the couch, Saturday he was getting all of his stuff moved into our newly opened up space in our basement!!!!

God is in the details yall and what a privilege it is to get to see Him work!!! Shyler ended up staying on our couch for the week he was in need of a place to rest his head while he located an actual room. We really enjoyed our time with him and will share in our next update some things we learned while having him here but first we'll let him share in his own words how his time was:

"Hey everyone, I just wanted to share what a great experience I had with being welcomed into the home of the Hubbards (w/ Bekah and Jennie). I was in a tough situation, needing somewhere to live after making a hard decision to end things with my girlfriend at the time that I was sharing an apartment with. I had asked a couple people from the gym and they put me in contact with Josh and I came over to meet him and his family the next day and was welcomed with so much kindness and joy. I stayed with them over a week and was EXTREMELY well loved and fed and made to feel apart of the family. They went above and beyond to make sure all my needs were met and also helped me find work. I still eat dinner and enjoy spending time with everyone there."

We are so thankful for our continued friendship with Shyler. This is just the beginning yall and we can't keep moving forward without you all. We are so thankful for the many ways you all have supported us and continued to do so whether it be monetary, your time, your truck, your muscles etc. We can't do this without you guys!

God is at work and we look forward to sharing more about what He is doing! 

April 19, 2021                            Basement Flooding
Hey friends!

We don't know if you caught it on FB a few weeks ago but our basement flooded! There was a little bit of water in the basement over on a side that we just thought "oh we'll have to get a towel and clean that up when we get back from church" and headed out only to return to the above pictures when we got back .

We learned and relearned a few valuable lessons:

1. Don't ignore just a little bit of water, it can build up fast .
2. Lean into your community!!- Our friends Connie and Doug (renovating pros) who live 35 mins away from us jumped in their car and headed over to see how they could help the situation when they learned what had happened. Praise God for those sweet angels who never stop serving!
3. When ya end up with lemons, make lemonade -

There were 2 big objects that we've wanted to get out of the basement since we first started renovating the house but lacking a vehicle to move them and not knowing where to take them we just kept putting it off. Well once things flooded we decided it was time to get as many big things out of the way as we could so we could have a better handle on the situation next time. Little did we realize at the time that getting those objects removed (low and behold just a few phone calls, some muscle, and the help of some sweet friends did the trick!!) was preparing us to be 2 steps closer to creating an open area in our basement to provide our new friend who was going to end up homeless the Friday of that week, some space to put his things!!! So that Friday we ended up with our new roomie!!!

And that will lead us to our next update where we will share more about our time with him and let him share in his own words what his time was like living here with us.

Stay tuned...

March 7, 2021
We've been in our new home for 2 weeks! We give a little update on the move and Joshua does a way better job sharing what our dream for Cherith Oasis is over on our Facebook page! We'd be happy to do a Q&A for you all so let us know if you have any questions that we can answer.
