Latest Updates

Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out what's been going on with us and the building of Cherith Oasis lately! The newest update will stay at the top of the page and as time permits us we will move all of the updates to this page. In the meantime if you'd like to catch up on past updates they will be posted on our main page. 

Quick link to our donation button, background story, and older updates

We couldn't do any of this without you and the Lord's provision. We are eternally grateful for you!

March 2022 Update

As April comes to a close and we wanted to recap for you guys what's been happening we realized we never recapped March so here it is in a nutshell 😄. (Stay tuned for April's update coming shortly)

So what's been going on since Bekah and Jennie moved out at the end of February...

We went to work on getting the girls moved into Bekah and Jennie's old room which led to a DIY project to help make the room their own which led to another, then another, and well let's just say they haven't stopped since 😊 (something Janna love's to do is figure out how can we add elements of design to help make this house become more of our home and also a more peaceful place for those who live here and those who enter BUT for little to no cost). Once we got the girls moved out Cable was able to go back to having a room by himself (a little bit of an adjustment but he's loving all his play space! 😉)

One of our favorite DIYs we totally got into was taking our paper trash and cardboard and turning it into bowls and containers, talk about FREE but a great time together! This proved to be such a FUN way to recycle together!! We'd love to hear from you guys what are some of your favorite ways to recycle? Would you leave it in the comments with the link to this update on our facebook post? Let's help each other out with ideas!

On March 26th we got to celebrate our sweet Charis' 7th birthday!! This sweet girl loves plants almost as much as her Momma so we took her to a local Terrarium Store where she got to make her own, great experience with a great keepsake!

Lft-A fun perk about the transition: We got Moose back!! 😁

Rt- Girls completed accent wall.

Friends of ours gave us a dresser so we made it our own with a drip paint from free paint and $4 dollar knobs!